Carbon fiber mooring whip for mooring heavy tenders safely alongside the yacht.
Numerous of innovations has resulted how the Xquip whip is as today: An unique laminate schedule of 100% carbon fibre, Clear coat carbon fibre, Mirror polished stainless steel cleat, line inside the whip and a 360 degrees line out-put makes the Xquip whip a truly unique superyacht whip.
The Carbon fibre 4.8m whip is able to split in to two pieces, this makes storage and transport of the whip an ease. A set of whips will be supplied including lines with bungee, which reduces the impact on the attachment point. The Line of the whip will be run inside of the carbon fibre rod, which results in a clean, elegant and modern feel.
The standard whip is ΓΈ31,7mm by 168mm, which is making the whip fitting into most industry standard whip sockets. The fitting can be adjust by POM Sleeves, our engineers can give you best advise to fit the whip into your superyacht.
Our whips have been engineered to successfully bend up to 2 meters. Whips can be solely used in combination with a complete mooring set-up: Mooring lines and spring lines. The whips are designed to being used up to moderate sea-conditions during anchor. When high wind/swells or big waves the usage of whips is not advised.